

Perched, glittered, sang in ether,
All sight touch the same,
Souls of world emerge under might.
Indomitable drizzle of the realm,
Praised, raised, freedom to a vista.
Same, the mind can embrace,
Merriness, sheer, over the world shade.

Wink of eyes, a taunt, huge in size,
For some, elegance, the immortal might.
For some, brain, the flag of victory.
The world, dances in two sides.
Anon, the reality would appear,
Fetters for the lives, coarse,
The elegance would disappear,
Imposing radiance, ever meet demise.

Lachrymose mindset in primitive launch,
Pristine voyage, later the steps will glitter,
Renaissance of the soul, haul the brain,
The world of triumph, never become a dream.

Osanda Janandith Thenuwara


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